
You are water bending slavik semi-god fighting off evil things. Throwing puddles of water at gnomes and squirrels for now to be honest

WASD - move, to attack you need to drag and throw water at enemies.

ATTENTION! WEIRD SOFT LOCKING BUG! dont throw water at first seven gnomes. Just drag it into them not letting go. Dont just get around them too. It prevents water from spawning and you will not kill anyone


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(1 edit)

very nice ideas, but it feels rushed. I died twice in ways I couldn't avoid.. so, that's not good lol. like, the trapped in the woods part, there were no water puddles. then on the second attempt, there just weren't enough. the enemies also pushed me around so I couldn't move, haha

Cool idea for the game play I think you can make a lot of cool interactions with .

Hopefully it will be extended in the future. Maybe dungeon-run kind of stuff. In a very best case scenario i dream it will be solo mmo with lore!